Sunday, October 18, 2009

Unions Are Good for the American Economy

Next time somebody bad mouths unions, point him or her to the article I’ve linked to at the bottom. In California workers in unions on average make 12.7 percent more then non-union workers. One of the reasons the recession continues in California is because workers simply don’t have the purchasing power to keep the economy going. So the next time you run into a supervisor or manager mention to them that they need to give us a nice raise in the new contract so we will continue to have the purchasing power necessary to drive the economy. If consumer activity accounts for 70 percent of our nation’s economy, then it is in Gallo’s best interest to give us a raise. Mention that it is their patriotic duty to keep the economy rolling. Tell them that if all these various businesses continue to cut wages nobody can afford to buy their product. Read “Unions Are Good for the American Economy” and click on the State fact sheets for California to get a more personal view of California’s labor problems.

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