Tuesday, October 27, 2009

One More Day Till the Election

The best part of campaigning has been talking to fellow union members about our union. People are really looking for a positive change in how our union conducts its business. Many that I have talked to feel that they don’t have a voice in our union, and they were excited to have an opportunity to speak about issues such as lack of sick leave, and the lack of response from the local about issues that are important to them. I heard you and if I am elected you will have a voice in GMP Local #17. I spoke to fellow employees about my ideas for better communication with E-Mail Alerts, a GMP Local #17 Website, and the need for an Education Committee with an emphasis on better training for Shop Stewards. I realize that we lead busy lives, with work and family taking up so much of our time, leaving little time for relaxation. I realize you don’t always have the time to go to union meetings because maybe you have to take your kids to school after work, or pick them up from day care. This is why I want to bring the information to you. I believe I will be an effective Recording Secretary because Labor and Union issues are something I take a great interest in. I enjoy finding out information that affects my working life, like the recent changes in the tax law that is affecting our vacation checks. I would love to share this type of information with you either through e-mail or a website. I believe that access to information will make us a stronger union. We all know the company is unified in their objectives and what they want to achieve. After this election is over, regardless of the results, we need to become unified as a union to face the challenges ahead of us. To accomplish the goals that I have set for myself, I need your vote for Recording Secretary. I’ll see you soon, and don’t forget to vote Wed!

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