After reading one anti-union letter after another in the Modesto Bee, I decided to respond to one titled, “Unions never helped the workers.” My response was printed in today’s issue. The Bee misprinted the name of my local. I actually wrote after my name “Proud member of GMP Local #17” they printed it as “member, Glass, Molders, Pottery and Allied Workers International Union, Local No. 17” The actual name of my union is Glass, Molders, Pottery, Plastics & Allied Workers International Union. The Modesto Bee also picked the title. Here is the text of my letter, or you can link to it here: Modesto Bee Letter.
How unions really operate.
The latest anti-union letter, "Unions never helped the workers" (Sept. 24), is so full of fallacies that I wonder if the writer ever worked in a union. I have worked in a union for 28 years and I would like to clear up a few misconceptions.
My union doesn't tell me how to vote. Unions don't want every small business to be unionized; we just want them to have a fair chance to join a union. Unions haven't caused manufacturers to leave the country; this has been the result of free trade, cheap labor and nonexistent environmental standards overseas.
Are there some bad apples in labor? Of course, but there are bad apples in every walk of life, including Wall Street and the government.
So what has my union done for me? Thanks to my union I have been able to receive a fair wage for my labor, health care for me and my family, and a pension so I can retire with dignity. In exchange, the union provides the company with a highly motivated work force, which increases productivity and profits.
member, Glass, Molders, Pottery and Allied Workers International Union,
Local No. 17
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