Monday, January 18, 2010

Pre-Contract Negotiations Meetings

President Carlos Contreras will be hosting a series of meetings to get your input on the upcoming contract negotiations. President Contreras is asking that if you have a specific proposal to put it in writing so the Contract Negotiating Committee can study it. The meetings will be at the Union Hall in the conference room where the union meetings are held. The meeting times are below. There is a flyer in the Union bulletin boards with further information about the meetings. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact myself or President Contreras.

Hot End          “A” Shift 1/23/10        6:15 am
                       “B” Shift 1/25/10        6:15 pm
                       “C” Shift 1/18/10        6:15 pm
                       “D” Shift 1/22/10        6:15 pm

Cold End        “A” Shift 1/20/10         6:15 am
                       “B” Shift 1/26/10        6:15 pm
                       “C” Shift 1/19/10        6:15 pm
                       “D” Shift 2/5/10          6:15 am

Warehouse      “A” Shift 1/21/10        6:15 am
                       “B” Shift 1/27/10        6:15 pm
                       “C” Shift 1/20/10        6:15 pm
                       “D” Shift 2/1/10          6:15 am

Day Shift       
Maintenance                2/2/10              2:15 pm

Mach. Rep                  2/3/10              2:15 pm

Batch/Janitors              2/4/10              3:15 pm


Anonymous said...

What about day shift hotend,can we get a time and date.thanks

Stephen Talbott said...

You can attend any of the hot end meetings or the day shift meetings.