Monday, January 11, 2010

Unions and health care reform

The Senate version of the health care reform bill wants to tax employer sponsored insurance plans to help pay for health care reform. Plans that have annual premiums of $8,500 for singles and $23,000 for families would be affected. Many union leaders oppose the tax and say that 1 in 4 union members could be affected by the new tax. In the House version they help pay for the reform by imposing an income tax surcharge on couples that make over one million dollars a year. President Obama is meeting with labor leaders today to discuss the issue. My opinion is that a small tax on millionaires, who profited greatly during the Bush administration, makes more sense than a tax on the middle class workers who are struggling to keep their heads above water in these tough times. Read about it here: Unions Rally to Oppose a Tax on Health Insurance, Obama Confronts Labor, Lawmakers on Plan to Tax Health Benefits, White House Defends Health Tax Opposed by Labor

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