Wednesday, August 6, 2008

On the trials and tribulations of a Union delegate

I see I am getting several hits on my blog, and I am sorry I am not getting the information out quicker, but what I have discovered is that is difficult to find time to do updates while the event is in progress. There is a lot of reading required if you want to try and stay on top of the issues and the various mechanisms involved when using Robert’s Rules and Parliamentary procedures. I am currently working on my analysis of the Day 1 afternoon session and I will post on it soon. I also lost a lot of time today dealing with my car getting side swiped by a hit and run driver in the parking lot while I was enjoying an event. The GMP event just got $500 dollars more expensive for me via the insurance deductible. But I guess nobody ever said union business was easy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Steve! I'm so sorry to here about your car. At least no one was hurt.

Oh buy the way. I just love your goatee. I can see why all the women go wild.
