Below is the transcript of the speech I made before the delegates at the 73rd Quadrennial Convention on Monday, August 3rd in Las Vegas, Nev. At issue was a proposed change to Article 6 of the GMP International Constitution. The resolution was put forward by the International Union of the GMP. One note: In my speech I said that I “represent” GMP Local #17. What I meant to say that I was a “representative” of GMP Local #17. The speech was entirely my own, based on my observations, attending union meetings, and talking to many fellow union members. Below is the resolution:
Article 6
International Dues
Resolution #1
International Union
WHEREAS, the International Union has been suffering a loss of membership and dues revenues and has been forced to operate in a deficit spending mode, and
WHEREAS, the International Union has made every effort in every area of fiscal responsibility to reduce staff, cut costs and control spending, and
WHEREAS, the International Union, even through the aforementioned and continuing
period of attrition, desires to continue the GMP's long tradition of superior member services, now
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the International Union dues be increased from $26.00 to $32.00 per month, effective September 1, 2008.
INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT RYAN: I believe mike 2 was next.
DELEGATE STEPHEN TALBOTT (Local 17): My name is Stephen Talbott. I represent GMP Local 17.
Although I believe today is a more compelling case for an International dues increase than I've heard earlier, I believe I read in Horizon Magazine that the increases in the costs of filing grievances and educational costs were the reason for International dues increase. Now I hear this reason, which is much more compelling, obviously.
Regarding the request for an additional $6 a month in International dues, I've spoken to many members of GMP Local 17. We feel we already send large amounts of money to the International, and have not received enough in return. I believe that the International needs to tighten their belts to make do with the large amounts of money we are already sending to them.
Many of us in the Union are not pleased with the current level of service we are receiving from the International, and we believe that an International dues increase is not going to solve these problems.
I think our Union is hurt by the fact that we have not had an open and public debate with all members of the GMP about this International dues increase and what it's going to be used for. I believe a debate should start at the local level starting with the International explaining in detail how our dues are being spent and how in the future an increase in dues would be spent.
If the International communicates effectively that they need a dues increase, perhaps we could consider that at some future time or later. But at this point the reasons for a dues increase are not compelling enough to warrant an increase at this time. I would ask the members here today to vote no on any International dues increase. Thank you.
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