Sunday, September 27, 2009

Why I am running for Recording Secretary of GMP Local # 17

The duties of the Recording Secretary of GMP Local #17 are quite straight forward, if you go by the description located in the latest version of the GMP #17 Bylaws, which were last updated in 1988. According to the bylaws the Recording Secretary “Shall be in attendance at all Local Union meetings, take the minutes and assist the President at said meetings”. This is obviously an important task, as it is vital to keep accurate records of what transpires in the monthly union meetings. If called upon by the President I believe that I can help him or her in several ways, including helping with communication, letter writing, and filing. A little about my education background, I am currently pursuing an English degree at MJC, where I am currently carrying a 3.9 GPA based on 49 credits.
I believe our union is at a critical junction in its history. An important contract negotiation is right around the corner. Fellow union brothers and sisters are being laid off by the company. We will need union officers with the educational background, the life experience, and the desire to carry out many complicated tasks in the months and years ahead. I am ready to work for you but I will need your help. I am asking for your vote on October 28th. The election will take place at the union hall located at 205 S. Santa Cruz Ave. During the election the union hall will be open for voting from 6:00 AM until 6:45 PM. If you wish to contact me about the election, or just wish to talk about unionism in general, feel free to call me at (209) 499-2859, or e-mail me at


Unknown said...

Stephen would be a great representative of all the workers at the glass plant.

Anonymous said...

He covers the truth and deletes post he doesn't like how do you trust someone who hides the truth?

Stephen Talbott said...

My answer to anonymous. First of all, you are posting anonymously, which says a lot about you. Secondly, you were using profanity. That is why I deleted your posts. If you want to have a constructive dialogue, that is one thing. But I am not going to allow somebody to post insults to me or my friend. Thirdly, what “truth” am I hiding? Think about what words you are using, words are important. I am going to run on my own merits, and my fellow union brothers and sisters can decide for themselves who they want in office. I have nothing bad to say about any of the candidates running for office; they are all good union people.