Friday, October 17, 2008

Barack Obama on Health Care

I watched all three debates and Barack went 3-0. Obama is as cool as the other side of the pillow, while McCann seemed on the verge of becoming unhinged during the debate. In the last debate I thought Barack scored big when the discussion came to health care. The key moment, and what should be of interest to union members, is what could happen to our employer provided health coverage if McCann becomes president. Barack Obama from the debate:

Now, what we haven't talked about is Sen. McCain's plan. He says he's going to give you all a $5,000 tax credit. That sounds pretty good. And you can go out and buy your own insurance.
Here's the problem -- that for about 20 million people, you may find yourselves no longer having employer-based health insurance. This is because younger people might be able to get health insurance for $5,000, young and healthy folks.
Older folks, less healthy folks, what's going to end up happening is that you're going to be the only ones left in your employer-based system, your employers won't be able to afford it.
And once you're out on your own with this $5,000 credit, Sen. McCain, for the first time, is going to be taxing the health care benefits that you have from your employer.
And this is your plan, John. For the first time in history, you will be taxing people's health care benefits.
By the way, the average policy costs about $12,000. So if you've got $5,000 and it's going to cost you $12,000, that's a loss for you.
Read the entire transcript at:

I would recommend to any union members who are still undecided to watch the videos of the debates, and analyze which candidate will be best for the interests of the working class in this country. Also remember that Barack Obama will sign into law the Employee Free Choice Act, which will make it easier for working folks to join unions, including the GMP.


Anonymous said...

Well as far a the Employee Free Choice Act i think it is unamerican to be made to join a union with out being able to vote yes or no.

Stephen Talbott said...

I don’t believe you fully understand the issue. It is when a majority of the employees sign a card that the employees are allowed to form unions and bargain collectively. So the process is very democratic and very American. The problem with the current system is if you want to form a union, the company often fires the workers involved and harasses the remaining employees to the point where they often give up due to the threat of losing their jobs. The truth is, what these companies do is very un-American. Opinion polls show that workers, if given the chance, want to form unions. But now the current system is tipped heavily toward the employer. I would suggest you read “The Big Squeeze” available at your local library. There you can find out what happens to workers who try to form unions under the current system.