Tuesday, September 9, 2008


When examining the judgment and decision making process of our two Presidential candidates, it became clear that only one candidate has the judgment to pull us out of the abyss that the inept Bush administration has led us into. One of the most important decisions anyone who aspires to be President makes is who will be their vice-presidential running mate. Senator Obama chose Senator Joe Biden. Biden’s experience in domestic and foreign policy is unparalleled in American politics. There should be no doubt in anyone’s mind that Senator Biden, if called to do so, has the experience and knowledge to be President. Meanwhile, Senator McCain made the irrational choice of Gov. Sarah Palin to be his vice-presidential running mate. After meeting her only one time, McCain felt that Ms. Palin was qualified to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency. We are now finding out what a poor choice that was, with stories of scandals and inappropriate behavior marking her terms as mayor of Wasilla and Governor of Alaska. Since her nomination, Gov. Palin has been kept away from the media, and has allowed no interviews. What is she and the McCain campaign afraid of? Likely they are afraid that her lack of knowledge in foreign and domestic policy cannot stand up to close scrutiny and they need more time to prep her on these issues. Does the American people really want a trainee to potentially be President of the United States? McCain claims "Country First" but clearly this choice was not in the best interest of the country.

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