Thursday, May 29, 2008

Viva Las Vegas!

I just received word that I was elected to one of the six spots to go to the 73rd Quadrennial Convention. Viva Las Vegas! I would like to thank everyone that supported my campaign. The Warehouse and the Carton Department really stepped up and I am thankful for every one of your votes. I realized it would be an uphill battle, especially since my shift was on their day off, but for those of you who found the time to make it down to the union hall and vote I am extremely grateful. You did your part, now it is up to me to fulfill me pledge and bring you the best coverage I can from the Quadrennial. My attitude toward the Quadrennial is that this is an excellent opportunity to learn, and most importantly to pass on what I learn to my fellow brothers and sisters in GMP Local 17. Stay Tuned!

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