I took the night of November 4th off to celebrate the election of Barack Obama to become the 44th President of the United States. Seasons on McHenry Ave was packed with Democrats celebrating Barack and the seats picked up by Democrats in the House and Senate. It was exhilarating to watch history being made with the election of our first black President. A big part of Barack’s victory was unions across the country getting out the vote for Obama and the pro-labor Democratic Party. Now the question is if President Elect Obama is going to fulfill his campaign promise to unions and push for passage of the Employee Free Choice Act. This article in the Wall Street Journal indicates that it might not happen in the first 100 days of the Obama administration, which is usually when a new administration pushes forward its agenda. We will know soon enough. I would suggest to all union members that we write our members of Congress and ask them to push the Employee Free Choice Act to the top of the agenda. If Democrats want to help the middle class in this country, then nothing is more important then giving workers the opportunity to form unions.